How to set up bitbucket digitalocean
How to set up bitbucket digitalocean

how to set up bitbucket digitalocean

This guide provides an SFTP-only user with basic access but you can adapt it for your own needs as required. To get started, we'd recommend following this guide. Next, enter your public IP in the hostname field followed by the username and password, once you've followed the guide below to create a new user on your DigitalOcean server.īecause DigitalOcean provides servers with root access, it's strongly recommended that a new SFTP user is created, with access only to your deployment path. Start by entering a name, and choosing SSH/SFTP as the protocol: If you've just added your repository, you will have been taken to this page automatically. Head to Servers & Groups, and click the New Server button at the top of the screen.

how to set up bitbucket digitalocean

Once you've configured your repository, you'll need to connect to your DigitalOcean server.

how to set up bitbucket digitalocean

Next, click Create project and you'll be taken to a screen where you can log in with your repository hosting account to authorise access and then choose your repository. You'll be prompted to enter a name for your project, then select where your repository is hosted. Head to the Projects screen in DeployHQ, then click the New Project button to get started. Deploying to your site hosted on DigitalOcean is very simple with DeployHQ.įirstly, you'll need to set up your DeployHQ project, then connect to your DigitalOcean server.

How to set up bitbucket digitalocean